Sunday Coffee ☕️ #0039

March 14, 2021

Good morning

Every week is an opportunity to learn something new.

But sometimes, you end up re-learning something you already knew but weren't applying it rigorously as you once used to.

Last few weeks at DelightChat, I rediscovered how holistic the problem-first mindset is. It does not just apply to picking a business idea, but to every little aspect of building a business:

  • building new features
  • designing solutions
  • updating your marketing website

The best part? This mindset is not limited to just your work. You can apply it to your life as well.

Before you read the post, ask yourself this: In your work and life, do you default to a problem-first approach, or a solution-first approach?

👉 Start with the problem, not the solution

Published by DelightChat Tribe

Shruti, our first product design tribe member, wrote an excellent guide on how she became a UI/UX designer, and how you can too. Follow her on Twitter.

Sankalp and I talked to Aderson Oliveira on the Solo Coder podcast. We discussed

  • Micro-SaaS and who should do it
  • Marketplaces and how they are ripe for micro-SaaS style businesses
  • DDoS attack on SuperLemon during the early days
  • Building our new business DelightChat
  • and more!

Listen to the full episode here.

Interesting links from the Interweb

Things to Tweet When You’re Stuck For Ideas - A thread by Sahil Patel.

The journey of an ecommerce customer through various apps - by Sara Du of AlloyAutomation.

Here's how Tanvi of FilterCoffee writes a daily newsletter (Psst: It's a lot of hard work and discipline).

Serious question: What are some words that best describe you? 🤔

Raising prices can accelerate your business growth.

Kenneth first created a course called that sold >$10k in its first month. Then he created a product - - that helps others build and sell their own programming courses. Be like Kenneth.

I journal on most mornings. It's a powerful tool and a great way to have conversations with yourself.

Makerpad has been acquired by Zapier. Give Ben a congrats 👏

Digital Wanderlust

I want to take a hike down this trail, hook up a tent, swim in the lake, grill food with fire, and sleep under the stars.

Coffee Love

1- Life is about continuous improvements. How can I improve my newsletter and blog better?

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2- Have questions or topic suggestions for future blog posts?

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3- Does my blog or newsletter add value to your life?

Reply an.. Oh wait. In this case - Tell your friends about Sunday Coffee on Twitter or WhatsApp.

Or, simply forward this newsletter to someone :)


By the way, I teach a course called Learn Programmatic SEO to help grow Google search traffic.

Programmatic SEO is a methodical and data-driven approach to finding keywords, understanding user intent and creating dozens or hundreds of pages of content.

Learn how to apply this framework to your business, whether it's ecommerce, SaaS, or even a side project. No prior SEO knowledge required.

Learn more about the course
💌 Enjoyed reading?

I write a weekly newsletter called ☕️ Sunday Coffee where I share my learnings about building profitable SaaS businesses and living a good life. Check out the newsletter archives. I think you'll like it!

You'll be joining 863 others who read my newsletter every Sunday morning. Best had with a cup of fresh coffee ☕️

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