Updating my personal blog Preetamnath.com to version 2.0

January 3, 2021

Evolution happens via iteration. Just like mother nature and man-made products, my personal blog is no exception.

When I first created this website in December 2019, it took about 4 hours of hacking and stitching existing Webflow components that I found on the web. Since June 2020 when I became regular at publishing new posts, the website would receive minor updates and changes as and when required.

Over the months, I've hacked together too many styles and CSS classes due to which a technical debt of sorts accrued. I also wanted to overhaul the feel and readability of the blog into sometime more consistent.

More specifically, here's all the little things I wanted to change:

  • A consistent styling for H1, H2, all headings and all paragraphs including list items used everywhere.
  • Wider containers so that sentences could take more width in desktop screens.
  • Standardized sections with padding and margins, with pre-defined combo classes to add more padding or margin.
  • A new font that would boost readability, especially on mobile devices where the thin Roboto font suffered. I've used Inter.
  • Re-write the content on the Home page as that had gotten outdated.
  • Add "Further reading" links to blog posts to encourage visitors to further explore my blog.
  • Make the share buttons on each page horizontally stacked. They were previously hacked together and vertically stacked because I couldn't get them to align correctly.
Blog design inspiration
I even mocked some designs on Figma

You could say that I built the entire blog from scratch, because that was easier than fixing the mess I had made 😂

Total time to rebuild the site:

  • 1 hour of researching other's blogs for inspiration.
  • 4 hours of rebuilding the blog from scratch.
  • 1 hour of rewriting some content and copy.

If I did things right, most of you would notice no difference when you visit the blog.

But I'm personally pleased with how consistent things are, how easy it is to modify site-wide styling, and how readable the posts are on mobile.

There's a lot I have in store for my personal website in 2021. I shall unveil more as we go. Stay tuned!

By the way, I teach a course called Learn Programmatic SEO to help grow Google search traffic.

Programmatic SEO is a methodical and data-driven approach to finding keywords, understanding user intent and creating dozens or hundreds of pages of content.

Learn how to apply this framework to your business, whether it's ecommerce, SaaS, or even a side project. No prior SEO knowledge required.

Learn more about the course
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